Faux Painting business insurance is very important to have if you want to run a successful business. Without business insurance you run the risk of having to pay for any damages that can occur on a jobsite that you or someone else may cause to happen. There are generally two types of insurance you can get for your faux painting business - General Liability insurance, and Workman's compensation insurance Also, any employees that get injured can file a lawsuit against you making you responsible for any medical bills and other liabilities. Some states can charge you with an indictable felony as well for not having workman's compensation insurance. Besides protecting yourself and any employees you will be comforting your prospective clients in knowing that you are professional and everything will be safely covered increasing your chance of getting the project.
General liability insurance coverage for your Faux Painting business will cover most accidents that may cause damage on the job. You may choose the amount of coverage which will cause the premium to go up or down. If you are working more commercial projects you may want to increase your coverage. There may be increases in the premium if you are working very high in the air as well. You will need to go over the actual coverage with your insurance agent and let them assess what you may need. General liability insurance will cover for some injuries but usually they are restricted and only certain small amounts are covered and will not cover any lost wages. The cost for general liability is very minimal and may run from 400 dollars a year to 1500 a year for your premium depending upon where you live and what type of coverage you will be needing, payments may be split up throughout the year.
Workman's compensation insurance for your faux painting business is for the protection of yourself and your employees. Some states will allow for coverage of yourself, but all require your employees be covered. Without workman's compensation insurance you run the risk of being sued by any employee that gets injured for medical bills and lost wages. You may also go to prison if you do not have workman's compensation insurance coverage and an employee does get hurt, some states consider this to be an indictable felony offense. Workman's compensation insurance premiums are determined by how many employees you have and what your payroll will be for the year. An estimated amount is stated and you will receive a premium which will be adjusted at the end of the year once your insurance company audits your payroll. Minimum premiums begin at 1,500 dollars a year and upwards.
Professionally it is very important to your faux painting business that you carry business insurance. You, your clients and your employees will work together much better knowing that if something did go wrong it will all be ok. So, make sure you look into getting the appropriate Insurance Coverage you need by asking an insurance broker or agent.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Faux Painting Business Insurance
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Faux Painting Business Marketing
Faux Painting business marketing is very tough in a competitive market but a neccessary one if your starting a faux painting business. One major key player in your marketing strategy is that you must have some satisfied customers, meaning you must do good work. Enough so that your customers think you’re the best and would hire you again. Good work will not be enough as a faux painting business marketing plan, however. There are other key elements for your Faux painting business marketing plan that you will need to implement.
Faux Painting Business Marketing Plan 3- Interior Decorating Firms
Here is where you will need to know what your budget is. There are many avenues of advertising. Advertising can be done in News Papers, websites pertaining to decorative painting, magazines and the list goes on. You may need to do some research here.
Good luck in your faux painting business marketing plan!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Old Word Parchment Faux Finish
The Old World Parchment Faux Finish is one of the most popular faux painting finishes. This finish is easy to do and has a wonderful old world look to it making it ideal for libraries, offices or anywhere you might want an aged look. The colors in this finish consist of creams, light browns and sunny golden colors for a very warm feel.
This finish requires a base coat and then different colored glaze on top that will be blended together slightly. You will need some latex satin white paint or eggshell and then you will also need two different tones of a creamy light brown, one a little darker than the other. You will also need untinted glaze to mix the creamy light brown with. To apply the finish you’re also going to need some tools such as, a couple of 2 inch nylon brushes, 3/8 inch nap roller sleeve in a 9 inch length, a cheesecloth, and 2 inch painters tape.
You will start by applying the white paint as a base coat after taping off all molding, trim, doors, windows and whatever needs to be taped off. Once the base coat has dried for 24 hours you may begin the glazing part of the finish.
You will need to mix your glaze by combining the two colors with the untinted glaze in two separate containers. The mixture should be one part glaze and one part paint for a nice workable colored glaze.
Now you can apply the glaze for the old world parchment faux finish by using the two brushes. You should work in one small area at a time about three foot by three foot. To apply the glaze you need to make two squiggly lines about six to eight inches apart of each color. You will then take the cheese cloth and pad it around in a somewhat rubbing motion that should vary in direction. If the cheese clothe becomes tacky just rinse it with some warm water and wring it out good. There should be a good variety of light and dark spots. Once you have completed a wall you should now remove the tape before the glaze completely dries then move on to the next wall. As you will see the old world parchment faux finish will take on an aged look and have a wonderful warm feeling to it. For another great aged finish you may want to look at the crackle finish technique.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Crackle Finish Technique
Faux Painted Crackle finishes are extremely versatile and can be used on furniture, moldings, doors, cabinets, picture frames and even walls. Crackle is a faux painting finish produced by using two varnishes having two different drying times which work against each other to produce a crazed, crackled, effect. The first coat of varnish is applied and left to dry then while the surface is still tacky, the second application of varnish is applied producing a crackle look when completely dry.
There are a variety of crackle looks with different color bases (the cracks) and different color top coats crackle (the flaking paint). In addition the width of the cracks can be varied as well as the size of the paint chips through a variety of application techniques.
The Base Coat
The first thing you must do is get a practice board and choose what colors you want to work with. Once the colors have been chosen you will need to purchase the base coat which will be the crack color. The base can be a flat paint, eggshell finish or semi gloss finish. Roll on the base coat and let dry for 4 hours.
Applying Crackle Material – Thin or Wide Cracks
Now you will need to apply the crackle material which can be any product you decides to use but most paint distributors have crackle products. Here is where you must decide which look you desire, a thin crack or wide crack. For thin cracks you will need to apply a thin coat of crackle with a roller and for larger cracks a thicker coat of crackle with a brush. Adding a mixture of both sized cracks can be very natural and have an appealing look. You may add a polyurethane clear protective cot once everything has completely dried for at least 24 hours. Faux painted crackle finishes are very beautiful.
For other types of finishes and techniques check out the following articles below:
Faux Painting Strie Finish Techniques
Faux Painting Popular Finishes
Faux Painting Frottage Techniques
Faux Painting Ragging Techniques
Faux Painting Sponging Techniques
Faux Painting Smooshing Techniques
Faux Painting Color Washing Techniques
Faux Painting Technique Tortoise Shell
Start A Faux Painting Business
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Start a Faux Painting Buisiness
Where and how would you begin to even lay the foundation of starting a faux painting business? Hopefully, this article will give you a good starting place. As with any interior painting business there are many variables that need to be understood before beginning, and a well laid out plan for success will need to be drawn up.
Faux Painting Profits
The beginning of any business usually has some low profits when first starting out and this is no different than staring a faux painting business. Faux painting projects can usually draw in three times the amount a regular interior painting project can, depending on the finish it can be even more. My experience with the faux painting side of my business has brought in most times close to a thousand dollars a day. This is serious business , but there must be a plan in effect to make it happen.
Faux Painting Buisiness Where to Start
Every persons level of knowledge and artistic expertise in faux painting is different. Some will have better techniques and really have a nack for the art side of faux painting and others will be at varying levels. The good thing is there is money to be made for everyone. However, there needs to be a starting place no matter what level you are.
Gaining knowledge in faux painting techniques is paramount. You should always be seeking out sources for more knowledge. This can include refining your faux painting techniques and skills, learning a new techniques, taking faux painting classes ( there are many faux painting schools), business classes, reading material related to faux painting and just immersing yourself in everything you can. Building a portfolio of finishes will also be very important, as you will need bring your faux painting portfolio to your clients to sell your faux painting finishes.
Once you have begun to get educated and refine your skills you must come up with a faux painting business plan. This plans should consist of where your materials will come from, how much will you charge for your services, marketing your faux painting business, how will you present your sales pitch to clients, how far will you travel and more. Once the plan is complete you now will have to do the footwork and put it into action.
Building Confidence In Your Faux Painting Skills
Before actually doing work for others and charging full price try creating some sample boards and apply them on your own walls at home. This will build confidence in your faux painting skills and make you feel more comfortable in knowing what you are doing when you perform the work for a client. Once you have built some confidence it is time to step into the world of a faux painting business.
Growing You Faux Painting Business Through your Clients
Your first few projects should be kept low in cost so you can build reputation and references. Your clients will be your largest marketing tools since they will pass you along to other potential clients. Once you have completed a few faux painting projects you can then apply your part of the plan that relates to making a profit and charging full price.
How Much To Charge for Your Faux Painting Finishes
When deciding on what you will charge a client you will need to know your position in relation to what other competition can do, and what competition is available to clients in their area. The longer you are in business the better you will get at this and the larger your profits will be. In the beginning say you only charge 600 dollars for a simple ragging finish, but as time goes by and you build better skills and a better reputation you will be able to charge 900 dollars for the same finish. Your first few projects you might want to do that same finish for only 300 or 400 dollars.
Always stick to your plan and just keep yourself immersed in everything that can give you the edge while you are starting your Faux Painting Business and long after starting.My business has exceeded triple digit profits and that is doing both faux painting and general interior painting so there really is some huge profit margins to be made in this line of work.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Faux Painting Techniques: Tortoise Shell
This particular faux painting technique Tortoise Shell comes from the far east where they used tortoise shells in decorating furniture. Collection of tortoise shells is now illegal which has inspired the creation of this faux painting technique to resemble the look of tortoise shells. The Faux Painting finish is usually found on smaller items, but can be done on just about any surface.
Colors and tints involved in creating this finish are a mixture of any of the following: raw sienna, burnt sienna, burnt umber, crimson and black. This is a very popular finish for interior decorators who would like to have furniture refinished for a decorative finish. Among the furniture the Tortoise Shell Faux Painting finish can be applied to are desks, mirrors, dressers, tables, chairs, moldings and much more.
Other Faux Painting Techniques can be found throughout this site. An explaination on how to create this finish can be found here: Faux Painting Tortoise Shell
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Color Washing Techniques
Faux Painting For Dummies
Brings to you: Color Washing TechniquesBy Jeremy Berger
Color Washing has to be the most popular faux painting technique that most folks like to do on their walls.

Color washing is an easy faux painting technique that most folks at home can achieve in a weekend. Different visual effects can be achieved depending on the material used to apply the glaze such as cheese cloths, sponges, brushes, and cotton rags.
Color Washing Technique
Basically you will get your base coat applied and let it dry. While the base coat dries you can prepare your second color which will be a mixture of 4 parts glaze mixed to 1 part paint.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Faux Painting Techniques: Ragging , Frottage, Smooshing, and Sponging
Ragging is a very popular faux finish. Different results through variations of techniques can have desirable effects with this type of finish. Basically there are two types of techniques used to achieve a ragged faux painting finishes, ragging on or ragging off. Many other products can be used as well to achieve eye catching effects.
Ragging On
The Ragging On faux painting technique is sometimes called positive ragging, for this type of finish glaze is ragged onto the base coat instead of the glaze being rolled onto the base coat and then ragged off. Multiple colors and layers can add a look of depth to this finish.
Ragging Off
With this faux painting technique, also known as negative ragging, once a base coat has been applied the glaze is then rolled on in irregular shapes about 3 foot by 3 foot ( this ensures a wet edge ) and clean soft rags are used to rag off the glaze. Multiple layers and colors can be used for more depth.
Rag Rolling
Again in this faux painting technique glaze can be rolled on or off to produce a different type of look. Multiple layers and colors can add some visual depth to the finished product.
This type of faux painting technique is achieved by using fabric, paper or plastic that is crumpled up and used to rub through the glaze. Multiple layers and colors can add some visual depth to this finish. The word comes from the french word "frotter" meaning to rub
Like frottage this faux painting technique uses plastic that is smoothed over the glaze then removed by peeling it away. Craft paper or tissue paper can also be used.
A very popular faux painting technique in which sponges are used to put glaze onto a base coat or lift glaze off of a base coat. Many different sponges can be used and one popular type is the sea sponge.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Strie Faux Finish
Strie is a French, meaning striate or stripe. Therefore this is a technique of combing or dragging a dry brush though faux glaze so there is an appearance of streaking. This finish can be applied to walls, doors, furniture, paneling and other various surfaces. Strie finishes can be layered so that there are multiple layers for the appearance of depth.
Materials Needed
Base coat of quality paint
Paint Roller and sleeve
Drop cloths
Painters blue tape
Faux glaze (darker than the base coat)
Small 1 gal buckets
Strie brush (wall paper brush or specific strie brush)
Paint brush
Tints for glaze
Painting Base Coat
Normal preperation for painting is preformed, such as fixing drywall nail pops etc. Then you apply the base coat with roller and brush which is usually a semigloss finish or if you are using a specific faux product for your Stie Finish use the appropriate base coat called for by the manufacturer. Cut in your coners and roll out the walls, making sure two coats are applied and allowing proper drying time between coats.
Glazing the Strie Faux Finish
Mix you glazing material well according to manufacturer specification in one of the buckets. Using a small paint roller apply the glazing mixture to the surface working up and down in a vertical strip about 6 inches wide. Before the glaze dries drag the Strie brush through the glaze in one long straight smooth stroke with light pressure. For perfectly straight strokes you may set up a guide made of thin strips of wood taped to the wall , keep moving it accross as you go. Continue working around the room applying your strie finish and slightly overlapping adjacent sections to provide a seamless appearance before it dries.
That is all there is to it! Multiple colors and multiple layeys can add beautiful visual depth to you final Strie Faux Finish.
Faux products can be found everywhere, I will be listing a number of the best products out on the market that I have used in the past, so keep a close eye out!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Popular Faux Painting Finishes
Faux Painting is the art of false painting that resembles real world surfaces. There are many different Faux Painting Finishes that can turn your every day normal surface into a real piece of art work. I am going to try and cover the most highly sought after popular Faux Painting Finishes. These finishes can be found in restaurants, museums or in residential homes of every kind around the world.
Faux Glazing
This would include Ragging, Stippling, Rag Rolling, Colorwashing, Ragging Off, Striping, Sponging on, and Sponging off. Almost any type of material can be used with glazing to produce all different kinds of daramatic and unique looks.
Faux Marbeling
This is a finish applied to many different surfaces to have the appearance of marble. the effect is so realistic that you cannot tell it is paint when done properly. This can be used on walls, mantles, molding, stairs, cabinets and just about any surface you can think of.
Faux Wood Graining
Faux wood graining like marbleing can seem so realistic you can not tell it is just paint. This also can be applied to many surfaces and can resemble almost any exotic wood on the market.
Tuscany Faux Finishes
This is an old world italian finish that is dramatically beautiful. The Tuscan decorating palette includes earthy more natural colors such as reds, browns, yellows, light blues and greens. Stone floors compliment this fish nicely especially terra cotta. This finish can be done with glazes or texured materials as well, textured materials being mor realistic of an old italian wall.
Venitian Plaster
Venitian plaster is an old world italian finish that is compromised of thin layers of plaster applied with a trowel. The plaster is then burnished to create a smooth surface with the illussion of depth
Faux Leather
This finish has a leather texture and usually has a glaze finish to give it a leather appearance. A very bold but beautiful finish.
This has a really beautifull look that trully looks like crackled paint, and can be used on many types of surfaces including furniture.