Friday, May 16, 2008

Faux Painting Techniques: Ragging , Frottage, Smooshing, and Sponging

Ragging is a very popular faux finish. Different results through variations of techniques can have desirable effects with this type of finish. Basically there are two types of techniques used to achieve a ragged faux painting finishes, ragging on or ragging off. Many other products can be used as well to achieve eye catching effects.

Ragging On

The Ragging On faux painting technique is sometimes called positive ragging, for this type of finish glaze is ragged onto the base coat instead of the glaze being rolled onto the base coat and then ragged off. Multiple colors and layers can add a look of depth to this finish.

Ragging Off

With this faux painting technique, also known as negative ragging, once a base coat has been applied the glaze is then rolled on in irregular shapes about 3 foot by 3 foot ( this ensures a wet edge ) and clean soft rags are used to rag off the glaze. Multiple layers and colors can be used for more depth.

Rag Rolling

Again in this faux painting technique glaze can be rolled on or off to produce a different type of look. Multiple layers and colors can add some visual depth to the finished product.


This type of faux painting technique is achieved by using fabric, paper or plastic that is crumpled up and used to rub through the glaze. Multiple layers and colors can add some visual depth to this finish. The word comes from the french word "frotter" meaning to rub


Like frottage this faux painting technique uses plastic that is smoothed over the glaze then removed by peeling it away. Craft paper or tissue paper can also be used.


A very popular faux painting technique in which sponges are used to put glaze onto a base coat or lift glaze off of a base coat. Many different sponges can be used and one popular type is the sea sponge.

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