Where and how would you begin to even lay the foundation of starting a faux painting business? Hopefully, this article will give you a good starting place. As with any interior painting business there are many variables that need to be understood before beginning, and a well laid out plan for success will need to be drawn up.
Faux Painting Profits
The beginning of any business usually has some low profits when first starting out and this is no different than staring a faux painting business. Faux painting projects can usually draw in three times the amount a regular interior painting project can, depending on the finish it can be even more. My experience with the faux painting side of my business has brought in most times close to a thousand dollars a day. This is serious business , but there must be a plan in effect to make it happen.
Faux Painting Buisiness Where to Start
Every persons level of knowledge and artistic expertise in faux painting is different. Some will have better techniques and really have a nack for the art side of faux painting and others will be at varying levels. The good thing is there is money to be made for everyone. However, there needs to be a starting place no matter what level you are.
Gaining knowledge in faux painting techniques is paramount. You should always be seeking out sources for more knowledge. This can include refining your faux painting techniques and skills, learning a new techniques, taking faux painting classes ( there are many faux painting schools), business classes, reading material related to faux painting and just immersing yourself in everything you can. Building a portfolio of finishes will also be very important, as you will need bring your faux painting portfolio to your clients to sell your faux painting finishes.
Once you have begun to get educated and refine your skills you must come up with a faux painting business plan. This plans should consist of where your materials will come from, how much will you charge for your services, marketing your faux painting business, how will you present your sales pitch to clients, how far will you travel and more. Once the plan is complete you now will have to do the footwork and put it into action.
Building Confidence In Your Faux Painting Skills
Before actually doing work for others and charging full price try creating some sample boards and apply them on your own walls at home. This will build confidence in your faux painting skills and make you feel more comfortable in knowing what you are doing when you perform the work for a client. Once you have built some confidence it is time to step into the world of a faux painting business.
Growing You Faux Painting Business Through your Clients
Your first few projects should be kept low in cost so you can build reputation and references. Your clients will be your largest marketing tools since they will pass you along to other potential clients. Once you have completed a few faux painting projects you can then apply your part of the plan that relates to making a profit and charging full price.
How Much To Charge for Your Faux Painting Finishes
When deciding on what you will charge a client you will need to know your position in relation to what other competition can do, and what competition is available to clients in their area. The longer you are in business the better you will get at this and the larger your profits will be. In the beginning say you only charge 600 dollars for a simple ragging finish, but as time goes by and you build better skills and a better reputation you will be able to charge 900 dollars for the same finish. Your first few projects you might want to do that same finish for only 300 or 400 dollars.
Always stick to your plan and just keep yourself immersed in everything that can give you the edge while you are starting your Faux Painting Business and long after starting.My business has exceeded triple digit profits and that is doing both faux painting and general interior painting so there really is some huge profit margins to be made in this line of work.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Start a Faux Painting Buisiness
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Faux Painting Techniques: Tortoise Shell
This particular faux painting technique Tortoise Shell comes from the far east where they used tortoise shells in decorating furniture. Collection of tortoise shells is now illegal which has inspired the creation of this faux painting technique to resemble the look of tortoise shells. The Faux Painting finish is usually found on smaller items, but can be done on just about any surface.
Colors and tints involved in creating this finish are a mixture of any of the following: raw sienna, burnt sienna, burnt umber, crimson and black. This is a very popular finish for interior decorators who would like to have furniture refinished for a decorative finish. Among the furniture the Tortoise Shell Faux Painting finish can be applied to are desks, mirrors, dressers, tables, chairs, moldings and much more.
Other Faux Painting Techniques can be found throughout this site. An explaination on how to create this finish can be found here: Faux Painting Tortoise Shell
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Color Washing Techniques
Faux Painting For Dummies
Brings to you: Color Washing TechniquesBy Jeremy Berger
Color Washing has to be the most popular faux painting technique that most folks like to do on their walls.

Color washing is an easy faux painting technique that most folks at home can achieve in a weekend. Different visual effects can be achieved depending on the material used to apply the glaze such as cheese cloths, sponges, brushes, and cotton rags.
Color Washing Technique
Basically you will get your base coat applied and let it dry. While the base coat dries you can prepare your second color which will be a mixture of 4 parts glaze mixed to 1 part paint.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Faux Painting Techniques: Ragging , Frottage, Smooshing, and Sponging
Ragging is a very popular faux finish. Different results through variations of techniques can have desirable effects with this type of finish. Basically there are two types of techniques used to achieve a ragged faux painting finishes, ragging on or ragging off. Many other products can be used as well to achieve eye catching effects.
Ragging On
The Ragging On faux painting technique is sometimes called positive ragging, for this type of finish glaze is ragged onto the base coat instead of the glaze being rolled onto the base coat and then ragged off. Multiple colors and layers can add a look of depth to this finish.
Ragging Off
With this faux painting technique, also known as negative ragging, once a base coat has been applied the glaze is then rolled on in irregular shapes about 3 foot by 3 foot ( this ensures a wet edge ) and clean soft rags are used to rag off the glaze. Multiple layers and colors can be used for more depth.
Rag Rolling
Again in this faux painting technique glaze can be rolled on or off to produce a different type of look. Multiple layers and colors can add some visual depth to the finished product.
This type of faux painting technique is achieved by using fabric, paper or plastic that is crumpled up and used to rub through the glaze. Multiple layers and colors can add some visual depth to this finish. The word comes from the french word "frotter" meaning to rub
Like frottage this faux painting technique uses plastic that is smoothed over the glaze then removed by peeling it away. Craft paper or tissue paper can also be used.
A very popular faux painting technique in which sponges are used to put glaze onto a base coat or lift glaze off of a base coat. Many different sponges can be used and one popular type is the sea sponge.